Did you know that depression results in more absenteeism than almost any other physical disorder and costs employers more than per year in absenteeism and lost productivity? A little over half of people surveyed (54%)...


    Did you know that poor personal hygiene has both health and social implications? Two of the more socially unacceptable consequences of poor personal hygiene are body odor and halitosis (bad breath). BODY ODOR Sweating, is...


      Did you know that good personal hygiene is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself, and others, from illness? Often we mistake the word hygiene for cleanliness but in reality hygiene goes...

  • Avoiding Unintentional Home Injuries 2

    Did you know that home injuries are second only to road traffic accidents as a leading cause of trauma in children?   In our last post we mentioned that trauma is the most likely cause...

  • Avoiding Unintentional Home Injuries

      Many of us have at some point either heard of or even had first-hand experience of the horror of a child being scalded by boiling water or hot cooking oil in the home. The...

  • Trauma and other Medical Emergencies (Part 2)

      Did you know that the most common cause of trauma in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is road traffic accidents (RTA)? Driving under the influence of alcohol is a major reason that drivers get involved in...


    Did you know that the simple act of using a condom provides 99% protection against HIV infection, not to mention protection against other sexually transmitted infections (STIs)? The spread of HIV from person to person...


    Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic, potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is the virus that causes HIV infection. The abbreviation “HIV” can refer to the virus and or...

  • Trauma and other Medical Emergencies

    It’s not uncommon that when you mention the word ‘trauma’, people tend to think immediately of a big emotional upheaval or damage. However, trauma, which simply means injury, can be physical, emotional, or both. The...

  • Diabetes – Overcoming Barriers To Self-Management PT 2

    Let’s look at some facts about Diabetes: There has been a fourfold increase in the occurrence of diabetes in the 35–54 years age-group, between the 1990s and now. Diabetes in Africa is associated with higher...